Title: 3D Design and 3D Printing Workshop
Duration: 1 Day (8 hours)
Price: $500/person
Attendance: Minimum = 10 people. Maximum = Limit of Lab Used
Intended Audience: STEM Educators & Librarians
Facility: School or district computer lab
Teachers Resources: Each participant receives one free sample of the interactive lessons: 3D Design Challenge: Planetary Outpost and 3D Printable STEM Kit: Wind Turbine Challenge. Samples of the Augmented Reality enhanced lessons Water Cycle Engineer, and Solar System Expedition are also included.
What’s Covered: Attendees learn the basics of 3D modeling and how to convert their designs into 3D printable objects. 3D modeling skills covered during this workshop include the basics of camera navigation, object extrusion, scaling, and texturing. Participants will also create their own 3D objects during the class and collectively undertake the lesson Planetary Outpost. During this lesson they will put their new found 3D skills to work, as they collaborate with others to construct a 3D base for another planet. During this lesson, participants will also learn how to export 3D objects they create to Augmented Reality and 3D Printing platforms. A comprehensive overview of how to create 3D Printed STEM resources is also covered, specifically in the context of the lesson Wind Turbine Challenge. During this portion of the lesson, participants will design, 3D print, and test their own customized wind turbine blades.